As much as many hopeful parents won't admit it, they do wish there was an easy and effective way of picking baby gender. It's natural for all moms and dads to feel lucky when they are fortunate enough to have a healthy baby, but truth be told, many of us have a definite preference when it comes to the baby's sex. If you are considering trying to conceive in the near future and you are one of the millions who wants to help sway Mother Nature so you get that baby boy or girl you want so badly, there is help for you. There are natural techniques you can use that will greatly improve your chances of choosing your baby's gender.
Timing plays a very important role in picking baby gender. It's obvious that male and female sperm are incredibly different. That also holds true when it comes to how quickly they move. Male sperm are the faster ones so if you want a boy you should try and conceive as close to the moment of ovulation as possible. If you have your heart set on being the parent of a little girl, you'll want to time lovemaking so it's before ovulation, since the female sperm outlive the male ones. You can determine ovulation time by either using an ovulation kit or by simply taking the woman's temperate before she gets out of bed each morning. Once the temperature changes, ovulation is approaching.
Diet plays a part when it comes to picking baby gender too. It's been said that women who want to have a boy should eat more calories. The more energy you consume, the greater the likelihood of conceiving a boy. So it stands to reason that women who are hoping for a daughter should eat a lower calorie diet right around the time they expect to conceive. Naturally, this doesn't mean that a woman determined to have a baby girl should eat a very low calorie diet, because that's simply not healthy. She can choose lower calorie foods though, such as fresh vegetables, fruits and fish. Women opting to try for a boy should consume more high carbohydrate foods to up their calorie intake.
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