Friday, January 23, 2009

Stop Snoring During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is quite uncomfortable that you may not consider snoring to be one of them. However, a recent study at the University of Edinburgh found that women reach their third trimester of pregnancy are twice as likely as other women to snore.

So why pregnant women are more prone to snoring than other women? The first factor is related to weight. As a woman who moves into her pregnancy naturally gains weight. Having excess weight is well known to be a factor when it comes to snoring.

However, this does not explain the dramatic increase in snoring in pregnant women. Given that most of the weight gained is because the fetus growth, not necessarily apply to a pregnant woman should have the same kinds of problems that women were overweight.

Edinburgh, the study showed that the respiratory tract of pregnant women were lower than those of non-pregnant women. As it became larger and the abdomen is distended body tends to deposit more fat in the tissue around the throat. This fat is deposited in the muscles of the pharynx, or soft tissue around the upper airway and neck it. This increases the circumference of the neck to the outside and narrows the airways.

As the airways narrow woman raises systolic blood pressure. This increases the risk of pregnancy complications as preeclampsia. There is also an increased risk of pregnancy-related sleep apnea in people who snore.

The good thing about snoring and pregnancy is that once the baby has arrived snoring usually disappears. However, in the meantime, you may want to try some things to reduce snoring and have a better night's sleep.

Sleeping side may already be a need to examine her pregnancy, but if not, you should try to change his sleeping position. You should also avoid caffeine, especially before bedtime.

Many women find that the fight against snoring nasal strips to help reduce snoring. Others prefer to try a dental device that has the lower jaw forward, because the dream.

Whatever method you choose, be sure to discuss your snoring with your doctor. He or she will help you find healthy ways to reduce snoring without risking your baby.